Alchemikas Cocktail bar i Vilnius

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LitauenAlchemikas Cocktail bar



🕗 åbningstider

1, Islandijos gatvė, 01402, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 620 25400
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.6839676, Longitude: 25.2788432

kommentar 5

  • James Hammond

    James Hammond


    Amazing cocktails. Lovely staff. A definite to visit.

  • en

    Matthias Döppmann


    Great place for Cocktails! You can get anything that is tasty. The atmosphere is really like in an alchemist's kitchen.

  • Yury Fedorov

    Yury Fedorov


    Very good bar. But all depends on bartender. Girl with blond short hear - the best!

  • en

    Tadas Masnauskas


    One of the best cocktail bars in the city. They have a huge variety of different drinks. I had some problems in choosing what I exactly wanted. But the staff were quick to offer me something based on my tastes. So, I had really nice cocktail. I will most certainly come back here again. However, the bar is rather small with limited seating. It can be very difficult finding a place to sit. Especially on weekends. My advice would be to go there early.

  • Satu Maaria Kuusisto

    Satu Maaria Kuusisto


    A dazzling 20's decadent vibe paired with the most amazing artisanal cocktails. The staff, as ever important, really make the place special with their professionalism. Pro or a con, the small space lends to the intimacy of the bar.

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