Automobilių nuoma Rentexpress i Kaunas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenAutomobilių nuoma Rentexpress



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103, Pramonės prospektas, 03500, Kaunas, Kauno miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 614 60420
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.9274981, Longitude: 23.9726178

kommentar 4

  • Ruta Skemaite

    Ruta Skemaite


  • Egle Rymar

    Egle Rymar


  • Paulius



  • george mateescu

    george mateescu


    Scandalous ! You realise what really worth a company in the way it solve problems. So I can tell RENTEXPRESS.LT is very bad ! If you rent a car there, a least don't take they guaranty risk 0 , it is 0 as in "0 service"... I fell like I have been robbed. I choose to take the full insurance-assistance; which double the price of the car rental by the way, so you expect you pay for somehting. So when the electricity in the car start to shutdown as I was drinving (first windshield wiper, then lights and finally the battery) I call the assistance, and the first thing the guy on the phone told me is "You will have to pay for someone to come and fix the car". Why do I pay for 0-risk-assistance then ?!! After I told him how surprised I was, he told me to ask somebody to reload the battery...Who ? someone in the street ? That what I actually did. So I ask a man, in the small village I was in, to help me. Fortunatly for me this man, after 45mn trying many things on the car, had the idea of unplugging the battery, in order to reset the car computer. And solved the problem... So I gave money to a company that gave a car with a problem in the calculator, that did not help me and at the end it's a random man that did the job instead ! You can't be proud of yourself RENTEXPRESS.LT !!

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