Downtown Forest Hostel & Camping i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenDowntown Forest Hostel & Camping



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31A, Paupio gatvė, 11341, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 686 84523
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6777622, Longitude: 25.3021638

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edgaras Šimulevičius


    A little touch of nature in city center of Vilnius. Great idea to let rent grill to make your own food. Staff is very friendly and really helpful. Overall great place to spend with friends.

  • Helena Binetskaya

    Helena Binetskaya


    Perfect stay! Truly kids friendly (have toys, toilet seats, bathtubs, lots of outdoor space for them to run around and explore). Great attention to detail in décor. Cosy and authentic. Complementary coffee / tea in the morning + a delicious croissant. You can seat in a cane-chair amidst the trees, wrapped up in a warm blanket they provide and be working on a laptop - they've got power sockets there and WiFi connection is strong! Extremely helpful staff. The only place I'll stay in Vilnius since.

  • Alexander Kharitonov

    Alexander Kharitonov


    Clean facilities, very dirty road (yes, I know that construction works are temporary). Ear plugs don't help the noise, but there's not so much noise to start with. If you love big parties, this is a place to be.

  • Larissa Kaiowa Creations

    Larissa Kaiowa Creations


    Great hostel ! Nice staff, Nice and luminous rooms, Nice atmosphere. I had a great time in Vilnius and when I had to book again I booked it back there even if it is 15/20min walk from the city. Just loved my stay and the hostel was part of this.

  • en

    Thomas Whitehead


    This place is not overly spectacular, but not so terrible that I would never stay there again. About a 10-20 minute walk out of the city itself, the hostel is a decent size (probably space for about 60 in total) however has a lot of longer stay people (4+ weeks), so has less of a Traveller vibe. The hostels staff are helpful, and friendly enough. Although my bed was comfortable it was surrounded on two sides by the radiator which was permanently on a reasonably high temperature, which meant my bed was either too hot, or the whole dorm was colder than I would have liked if the window was left open.

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