Girele i Šiaulių apskritis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Domantų kaim. 1A, Meskuiciu sen., Šiauliai, LT-81439, 81439, Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 41 211043
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.9986234, Longitude: 23.3836765

kommentar 5

  • Katie Crook

    Katie Crook


    Good food, better than expected for the price. Beautiful location

  • Daniel C

    Daniel C


    Consistently good over the years I have been visiting this place, very reasonable for price, wide select and english menu even thou some of it is a bit tricky to understand, its part of the fun! Drinks selection wide and reasonable too. Everytime I go to Hill of Crosses or Siaulai I like to stop here if I have time.

  • Mihai



    Delicious food and fair prices ! If you are visiting the Hill of Crosses and you're hungry pop in and give it a try . Me and my girl loved it .

  • Antanas Prušinskas

    Antanas Prušinskas


    Rather pricy compared to the other places I have visited. Charcio soup was good, dishes made out of potatoes were not that pricy and good. Pork steak was rather small. All in all, if you are hungry, stop and eat. If you are less hungry and don't want to overpay, keep on driving.

  • Kristina Piekutė

    Kristina Piekutė


    Totally number one place to go for food after crosses hill visiting time. Lots of traditional food options, helpful and friendly staff. It's not too expensive too. I recommend to take fried bread with cheese dip for snacks and any kind of cepelinai for a main dish.

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