GO9 i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9, Gedimino prospektas, 01103, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 655 92550
internet side: go9.lt
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Latitude: 54.687078, Longitude: 25.281654

kommentar 5

  • Attila Gazdag

    Attila Gazdag


    Beautiful shopping centre in heart of Vilnius. You could buy a nice coffee in the ground floor.

  • Dovile Sakaliene

    Dovile Sakaliene


    Stylish, cozy, hipster - a perfect blend of bubbling city life and high quality products & services at an affordable price. My favourite spot is frozen youghurt place :)

  • Nigelpotts Potts

    Nigelpotts Potts


    A modern indoor shopping centre. With shops catering for all Needs plus supermarket

  • en

    Margarita Pempyte


    A lot of interesting shops in a single place. Here you can get frozen yoghurt, bubble tea, black ice cream. There is a grocery store and an candy shop as well as accessory and clothing shops. The place is small for a mall, but simply amazing because everything you might need is right here in a single place

  • Laurynas Mažeika

    Laurynas Mažeika


    Good place to shop around and have some chit chat in the cafes. You can get some good meals here as well. Basically you can find everything here. It is small shopping mall.

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