JSC BMS Technology i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenJSC BMS Technology



🕗 åbningstider

16, Geležinkelio gatvė, 02100, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 600 23699
internet side: www.carsrent.lt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.670217, Longitude: 25.2843529

kommentar 2

  • en

    Дмитрий Трофимов


  • en

    marco aureli


    This company practices a real fraud. I booked a car trough the Ryan Air web site at a very convenient price. Once at the Vilnius airport, at first they told me that they could not provide me the car at the original price because new rules establish that my credit car should have available the amount of 900,00 Euro to be left in guarantee. I contested this and after a short discussion I accepted to pay a second amount for an insurance against damages with a deductible amount of 325,00 Euro. This second amount makes the final expense not anymore so convenient. In any case, I accepted it and I regularly signed a Visa recipe in guarantee. I returned the car in perfect condition, earlier then in our agreement and its tank was filled with more fuel then at the moment of the withdrawal. At the agency desk, nobody invited me to check the car and to make a proper control of the car condition. I did not ask for a document attesting I returned the car in perfect condition. Then, Once back to my country, I received an email claiming a refund for the "big damage" I was responsible of, and they withdraw more then I left in guarantee, not 325,00 Euro but 365,00 Euro to refund the damage I never did. Of course, I contested this behavior and asked to some friends in Lithuania to get a solution, but unless the damage witnessed with unspeakable photos had an estimation of less then 150,00 Euro in the end I have had to pay the amount they were asking for. So that, I want strongly advise not to use this rental service, unless to pay attention to their procedure step by step. Next time I'll choose an international organization, which will offer me better guarantees.

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