Lukiškių aikštė i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenLukiškių aikštė



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J. Tumo-Vaižganto gatvė, 01108, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.6891806, Longitude: 25.2708226

kommentar 5

  • Emily Oxford

    Emily Oxford


    This park is recently renovated and now includes a lively fountain area to play in on hot days. The grass is nicely maintained and kept clean. There are benches in the shade and a small book stand with Hammocks and lounge chairs. Good place for a stroll, a nap, or a picnic.

  • en

    Mykolas Butvila


    Newly renovated Lukiskiu square is radiating with it's splendor. Among the beauty of the square there is a smart fountain which can be controlled using hand movements while in front of sensor array.

  • Evaldas Borcovas

    Evaldas Borcovas


    Recently renewed area of the capital of lithuania. Really nice park. A perfect place to spend a noon

  • Rokas Kanapienis

    Rokas Kanapienis


    Awesome flat square. Nice fountain and green grass. Perfect for everyone. You will definately enjoy ridig a bicycle or skateboard here. Come and enjoy!

  • Dovile Sakaliene

    Dovile Sakaliene


    Feel soft green lawn with your toes, read a book in a comfy open air library, watch kids play in the fountain zone or have some coffee on the corner. Full of life Lukiskiu Square :)

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