New Star i Prienai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenNew Star


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28, Vytauto gatvė, 59126, Prienai, Prienų rajono savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370
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Latitude: 54.6350009, Longitude: 23.9465186

kommentar 5

  • Inesa Kavaliauskiene

    Inesa Kavaliauskiene


    Šioje kavinėje lankėmes antra ir paskutini karta, užsisakėm cepelinu pakeptu, neaišku kokios dienos gaminimo negana laukėm apie 2 h, barmėnės nekaltos o jai dirba viena virėja, bent jau praneštu kad teks tiek laiko maisto laukti.




    Jauki aplinka, deja neteko papietauti su šeima. Tėveliai su savo atžalėlėmis iki 2 metukų ČIA - nelaukiami, nepageidaujami. Taip mes suprantame. Neturėti vaikiškos kėdutės, kuri IKEA kainuoja ~20, o naudotą galima rasti ir už ~5, na, keistai tas atrodo. Juk ši vieta ne lauko kebabinė. Namų darbai neatlikti. Yra kur tobulėti.

  • Vaiva Lomsargyte

    Vaiva Lomsargyte


    Cooking chicken is not rocket science. Sadly, could do it better at home. Ceasar Salad with heavy cheese peaces, like chicken size, quater-cut tomatoes, not even iceberg was used. And I mean the endings of the salad plant. Near the roots. Takes 5 min to do it tbh. As terrible as it was. Unfortunatelly, had to wait for half an hour

  • David Būdvytis

    David Būdvytis


    More like Old Star. Food was abysmal, service sluggish and the general feel of the restaurant, if you could call it that, sad. Side note: no one should wait for their crepes more than 20 minutes. If I could describe it in one word: Horrendous. P.S. Lithuania is known for their potato-rich lands and still, they couldn't prepare any potato based entrées. Also, chicken was bland and overcooked. Please don't visit, if you wouldn't like to be disappointed. Very sad.

  • Kristina Jure

    Kristina Jure


    Slow service, had to call the waitress to take the order like two times. Waited for the food for an hour. Didn’t have a lot of things from the menu. Food was a disaster. Low prices though.

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