„Palangos vėtra“ i Palanga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Litauen„Palangos vėtra“


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35, S. Daukanto gatvė, 00135, Palanga, Palangos miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 460 53032
internet side: www.palangosvetra.lt
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Latitude: 55.9119635, Longitude: 21.0591098

kommentar 5

  • bullet head

    bullet head


    Awesome place, very nice hotel. Nice restaurant. A perfect desicion to spend your vacation. Im already second time here, and im planing to come back again and again

  • Elina Kuleviciute

    Elina Kuleviciute


    Lovely hotel, breakfast included, sauna and swimming pool (which is tiny) was available for the guests. Breakfast ok, not the freshest, but filled our stomachs for the day ahead. Room is cosy and warm.

  • Titas Čerikas

    Titas Čerikas


    Pretty hotel. Nice facilities

  • Tadas J

    Tadas J


    Room is realy worn out i.e. broken windows, creapy frigde sounds every 15 minutes, our appartmens door was kicket out once.

  • Konrad Jacewicz

    Konrad Jacewicz


    We ware there on the family holidays in Palangos Vetra. The hoten is very nice, with very helpful stuff. The ladies on the reception ware very friendly. Room which we had was quite big, with separate corridor. Breakfast ware good, but in my opinion they should make them more varied, specially for children. Not everyone likes omelette, and during our stay it was served every day, and when we asked to prepare scrambled eggs we received omelette :) :) that was funny :) But in total the hotel is situated 5 min walk from the beach with bar, and the stay was very nice and pleasant. Good place for vacations!

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