Senoji kibininė i Trakai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenSenoji kibininė



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65, Karaimų gatvė, 21104, Trakai, Trakų rajono savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 528 55865
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6509308, Longitude: 24.9241494

kommentar 5

  • KMK BMW & MINI Specialists

    KMK BMW & MINI Specialists


    Had all sort of "kibinas" with salad. Kids had milkshakes that they wished they could get in UK. Place is an old Lithuanian willage house with some heritage (old stuff, fit for museum). Everything perfect and will be going there for dinner. You can sit inside as well as outside.

  • Alex Stanovoy

    Alex Stanovoy


    Great food. Great service. All as it should be. Same as it was 30 years ago

  • Rimantas SV

    Rimantas SV


    You feel authentic spirit of past times in this place. Was first time here. Serving fast, little bid sad, but food was not very compliant with my taste. This is personal, so don't take this as negative point. Perhaps its worth to chat with waitress before making order.

  • en

    A Z


    the quality level does not correspond to high prices, the home wine appears diluted with water, the food is usual, the place does not add to the mood.. Once very popular place with high prices.. now became just usual. But still high prices

  • en

    Andrej Zacharenkov


    A nice place with decently priced kibinai. As I was growing up we always stopped here for some because they're great quality and always fresh. Definitely worth popping here when you're in Trakai!

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