Sodyba Tundra i Nastazavas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenSodyba Tundra


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Nastazavo k. 3, Ignalinos raj., Nastazavas 30190, Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 652 36553
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Latitude: 55.2623633, Longitude: 26.1759098

kommentar 5

  • Sigita Cepaitiene

    Sigita Cepaitiene


    Linas and Renata hosted our big family gathering July 2019. The place is huge and easily accommodated 34 people. Bedroom sizes vary between 2/3/4 sleeping places. Beds comfy, place was squeaky clean. Location secluded and very private, own access to the lake, lots of grass for kids to run around, also activities for everyone young and old. Renata's breakfast is the best, make sure to order one with your stay. Both Lina and Renata were awesome hosts, warm and hearty, accommodated all of our requests, which is not an easy task for our crowd, as we had lots of kids, grandma with limited movement ability and disabled person in a wheelchair within our group. We wound not hesitate to book Tunda again. Highly recommended.

  • Dainius Čepaitis

    Dainius Čepaitis


    Beautiful place to have family meetings.

  • Arturas Verksnys

    Arturas Verksnys


    Best place to be

  • vaidas N

    vaidas N



  • Aleksandr Krasavcev

    Aleksandr Krasavcev


    Great place, totally worth every minute spent there. Big open space, big apartments to fit a lot of people. voleyball field. 2 types of saunas. lake to swim. just great

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