Vero Cafe i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenVero Cafe



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27, Gedimino prospektas, 01105, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 618 55718
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6880242, Longitude: 25.2749407

kommentar 5

  • Povilas B

    Povilas B


    One star for destroying first floor facade of the building.

  • Laura Puranaite

    Laura Puranaite


    I was really dissapointed with the baristas. First, being on the phone even if there are not customers to take orders from is simply unprofessional. My main problem was that they forgot my order, and when i was standing there waiting for my coffee, several people that just came by got their coffees and left. When i reminded them on my order with soy milk, and i emphasise "soy milk" i got the order in a several seconds. I was unsure if it was soy milk but as I literally just reminded them of my order, I thought it was impossible to mess it up. Sitting and drinking my coffee I started feeling nauseous, which is a symptom of lactose intolerance. Baristas need to take into account that plant based milks are not always chosen because it is "trendy" or "healthier". Some people are really intolerant to lactose, which can cause uncomfortable symptoms.

  • DanteRevoX



    Polite staff, good drinks, I spend a great time playing D&D with my friends :D

  • Arintas Lipnickas

    Arintas Lipnickas


    A lot of freedom, big space, find yourself a seat that suits you best for your mood: big tables for teamwork, smaller tables for two and comfy sittings. Sometimes it happens you won't find where to sit, but it just shows this coffeeshop has it's audience

  • Augustas Makrickas

    Augustas Makrickas


    A really great Cafe in a historic pharmacy building. The interior is spacious with big glass windows. The coffee is good and tasty, service is friendly and helpful. You can choose from so many diffrent coffee beans and types of coffee served. The snacks and sweets are also delicious. Also really affordable

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