Vieta i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12-1, Šv. Ignoto gatvė, 01144, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 672 11579
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Latitude: 54.681509, Longitude: 25.2846469

kommentar 5

  • Dylan Filkins

    Dylan Filkins


    I almost didn't come to this place because of the size and it being away from where I was doing most of my activites. I would have made a huge mistake! You can tell that food is extremely fresh and made on the spot for the customer. You can tell the they truly care about what is coming out of the kitchen. They had amazing staff and good music in the background! If you want a place that is a little more out of the scene of tourist and smaller, come to this place! Plus it's very close to a meat lovers pub. 😂👏🏽

  • Ugnė Dijokaitė

    Ugnė Dijokaitė


    Wonderful place if you want to spend some quality time with yor friends or family. Cozy, vintage, with interesting design, professional service and deliciuos food! Try coconut icecream, will lick your fingers:))

  • en

    Tadas Masnauskas


    A wonderful place to eat. Not too expensive and the food is delicious. One of the better vegetarian/vegan restaurants.

  • Broken Pictures Production

    Broken Pictures Production


    Friendly staff, lots of good reading material, delicious cuisine and vast variety of drinks and beverages.

  • Raymondas Vysniauskas

    Raymondas Vysniauskas


    Great food, vegetarian or vegan, extensive menu and daily specials, eclectic mix of music and personal service - highly recommended.

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