Amberton Cozy Hotel Kaunas в Kaunas

ЛитваAmberton Cozy Hotel Kaunas



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
8, V. Kuzmos gatvė, 44280, Kaunas, Kauno miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 37 229981
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.896126, Longitude: 23.8878161

Комментарии 5

  • Vasaris Prunskas

    Vasaris Prunskas


    Rooms ar ok, but had major problem with COLD water. While taking a shower you can get a wave of a boiling water. Loud place because of the active road - not the best place to test. Really low profile staff - ultra unhelpful and unprofessional. The price tags on the tea bags and other supplements in the Hotel made it look really cheap. Not recommend to stay.

  • Povilas Kielius

    Povilas Kielius


    Nice quite place in the middle of Kaunas old town. Lots of things to do many places to eat. Hotel is good placed the also have parking if you not to late to check in. Rooms are nice and clean.

  • Oleg Cerkasov

    Oleg Cerkasov


    Location for a hotel is good, checking Inn and booking did not complicate things. But I had a terrible sleep due to first of all conditioning was off so it was hot in the room on the evening. Also in the evening you could hear cars on the street racing and half way through the night some equipment washing the street with a query loud noise. So sleep was terrible. Wi fi included. Clean and looks good but a lot of stuff like water in the room is for an additional outrageous price. Brekfast was simple, not too much with a choose of a hot meal inlet or pancakes, porage. Coffee & tea was there also. Value for money was ok ...

  • Jev Genij

    Jev Genij


    Second my stay in this chain hotels. Hotel is not big, but looks good. Place of hotel wonderful, only 2 min till cathedral square. Rooms was good, but we were on 4th (last) floor and roof there pitched, what takes lots of place. Bed was comfortable as well as pillows. But bed from one side is under roof pitch and was hard to get in. TV is strange and old. Remote partly working. From the beginning it was showing like in 90', with snow, then I tried to check wires and was better. Breakfast was very poor. Small place, only one portion of hot dish and only after ordering it. Cold snacks was also poor. Only simple cookie and simple cake as sweets. Coffee as usual.

  • Tina Morgan

    Tina Morgan


    What a lovely hotel. Well positioned in old Kaunas for all the sights. Staff very helpful and friendly. Four levels. No lifts. Ask for lower floors if unable to do stairs. Rooms clean as was hotel and more than enough of a variety of foods for breakfast. Lovely little outside area for drinks and people watching. Will be using this hotel again.

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