Elska coffee i Vilnius

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LitauenElska coffee



🕗 åbningstider

1, Pamėnkalnio gatvė, 01116, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 608 21028
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.6848144, Longitude: 25.2773677

kommentar 5

  • Velo Servisas

    Velo Servisas


    Interior is way better than coffee here. Amazing location and really cool staff

  • en

    Vilte Orange


    As a coffee lover, I rarely buy coffee af coffee shops as I prefer brewing mine at home from selected, freshest, if possible, kinds of beans. But that day I was early for a meeting and dropped into Elska coffee shop. Believe it or not, their flat white was the best of the best I've ever tried in Vilnius. Strong and sour enough, with a rich milk foam, for a reasonable price. Was a pleasant surprise!

  • Laurynas Mažeika

    Laurynas Mažeika


    For now one of my favorite coffee shops in Vilnius! It has a gallery inside and the atmosphere is stupendous! The design and coffee mixes well with each other! You can sit outside as well! Coffee variety is good and have interesting refreshing mixes. Love it!

  • Mark Kar

    Mark Kar


    Great coffee spot with an art gallery inside. Excellent cafe latte with—- almond milk! Also they have soy, hazelnut and other NON-dairy! They serve you if you sit down , or you can order to go and walk the river area!

  • Samarth Rajora

    Samarth Rajora


    Best place to sit calmly with a cup of coffee and work. I love it so much the staff service is amazing and the environment of the place. You definitely should give it a go. 🙂

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