Gusto Blyninė i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenGusto Blyninė



🕗 åbningstider

6, Aušros Vartų gatvė, 01304, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 5 262 0056
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6759125, Longitude: 25.2887307

kommentar 5

  • en

    james whiston


    Excellent pancakes both savoury an sweet. Large menu and ability to take away most useful if you are at the train station on route to Trakai.

  • Jeroen Deumers

    Jeroen Deumers


    This is such a great place! The pancakes you can get in this restaurant are really good for their price! You would expect it to be a more expensive restaurant than it actually is. You can enjoy breakfast, lunch and even dinner here! The interior design is also pretty cool with fake grass and trees on the walls. Definitely recommended to visit if you are in Vilnius!

  • Milda Balse

    Milda Balse


    Kids absolutely love this place and ask us to take them there every time we're nearby! Amazing kids menu (for those who like pancakes of course!). As for adults, there's a huge choice of different types of pancakes to suit all tastes - potato ones are my personal favourite.

  • Rainforest Scuba

    Rainforest Scuba


    Awesome place..... my favorite place for breakfast. Good is great and plenty of choices. Staff are happy to serve and help.

  • danila gorodecky

    danila gorodecky


    we waited during one hour our order and when I asked “are you bringing pancakes from Sebiria?”, a manager replied without excuse (!), that they lost our order... we strongly do not recommend this place because of service and staff...

nærmeste Bageri

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