Interflora в Vilnius



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Vilnius 01001, Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 5 210 1792
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.6856073, Longitude: 25.279522

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Margarita Madar


    Lovely flowers on their website, unfortunately that does not guaranty that this is what your loved one will get. The reply I received from representatives was that they only guaranty similar colors, price range and freshness of the flowers. The type or how the compositions willl look depends on the florists. What’s the point of having all these different options to choose from? The flowers my mom received were nowhere close to what I have ordered, not a single flower was the same! So disappointing. Feeling cheated. What other seller would dare to send you a product that looks nothing like you ordered??? Imagine you have ordered a chocolate cake and received a lemon tart, especially when the recipient hates lemons!

  • en

    Andrius Ladavicius


    Ordered couple times. Flowers are delivered in very low quality - faded away next day...

  • en

    Vida Skrebutenas


    My husband and I ordered it for his mother in Vilnius. The company offered the best price for that amount of items. The package came on time and as promised. Will use them again for future gifts.

  • Vestina Tuzikaite

    Vestina Tuzikaite


    Scam!! Do not order from this company! Their website leads you to believe that they deliver across the world and country however my order got canceled due to "not having enough florist in my area". I was not offered the alternative option and it ruined a surprise for my mother! Emailed customer service but they never got back to me.

  • Gerda v

    Gerda v


    The service is horrible! The flowers are nothing similar to the ones shown in the picture. When trying to contact ''customer service'' to get a refund as it was just unacceptable, I was told that the quality of the flowers might be variable in different parts of Lithuania and that the florists can be unskilled to make the flowers that you order.. I was shocked to hear such a thing as I pay full price for the flowers expecting them to be the same quality no matter the location due to the fact that they are claiming on their website to deliver great quality around all Lithuania!!! At the end they agreed to offer a refund which was their trick just to get rid of a customer complain as after that email I was ignored and refund was never proceeded.

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