Lokys в Vilnius




🕗 время открытия

8/10, Stiklių str., 01131, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 5 262 9046
Веб-сайт: www.lokys.lt
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.6798503, Longitude: 25.2862864

Комментарии 5

  • Karmee Chiu

    Karmee Chiu


    The ambience is meant to be medieval Lithuanian, and it pulls it off relatively well with a very gamey menu. I had the mushroom salad presented in a lettuce leaf, and shared the beaver meat stew and veal and boar plate with two others. The portions are generous, and the food is quite tasty, albeit a bit salty to my liking. Also enjoyed the gooseberry wine, which is like a sweet dessert wine. Service was good but got a bit slow towards the late evening. Total price for the meal and drink was about €26.

  • Luka Panourgia

    Luka Panourgia


    Disappointment. I have ordered traditional Lithuanian beverage 'gira' and my husband with his parents ordered beers. Waitress forgot to bring 'gira' for me but put on the final bill. My parents in law have asked to re-fill bread basket and waitress forgot to do it, so we asked for this three times and it was re-filled eventually. My Dad in law asked for steak not to have any vegetables aside or sauce in English and I have translated this to Lithuanian as well to make it very clear. His steak was brought with vegetables and with sauce. Portions are on the smaller side but food is tasty. With the bill they brought four shots which I had to ask what substance it was:"is it liqueur here" waitress said "yes" My husband later asked what is it in the shots and waitress rudely said "as I said it is Lithuanian bitter" what an answer?! I WOULD NOT RETURN HERE NEITHER WOULD RECOMMEND this restaurant and its service.

  • Christopher Barrett

    Christopher Barrett


    Lokys is a great place for trying out traditional Lithuanian food - especially as a tourist. Menus are available in at least English and German (the two I was offered), with everything being well described, should you not be familiar with the cuisine. The wine list is extensive and very good, as are the aperitifs and beers on offer. The service was friendly and prompt, with the courtyard area wonderfully atmospheric for dining Al fresco. And yes, they really do serve a beaver stew (tastes a lot like stewed lamb, if you are curious).

  • en

    Hollie Garwell


    Fantastic place! We had the venison carpaccio, beef stew and salmon filet. For dessert we tried the rye bread pudding and hazelnut cake. Hazelnut cake was excellent. We also had the matching dessert wines which paired beautifully. For drinks, I’d recommend trying the locally made Lithuanian vodka - sip it neat with your delicious bread and butter. The atmosphere was fun and I loved the authentic food in a beautiful cobbled street of Vilnius.

  • K Emm

    K Emm


    Wow. When my colleague told me this was a great place he wasnt kidding. I had the boar and it was perfect...the entire dish. Nice wait staff and great wine. Loved the cellar area. Very cool!

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