Nacionalinė dailės galerija i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenNacionalinė dailės galerija



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22, Konstitucijos prospektas, 08105, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 5 219 5965
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.696876, Longitude: 25.2707249

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vitaly Gusev


    Nice art gallery with a cool location of exhibition halls such that you are going through the ages

  • en

    Black Dahlia


    Must see for art lovers.. Proper gallery, usually there are 3 temporary exhibitions, which change every 3-4 months. Had a good time there.

  • en

    Aleksandr Bon


    Very interesting place. Thank you for the positive emotions. Nicely spent time.

  • Urtė Baranauskaitė

    Urtė Baranauskaitė


    Very nice art gallery with both classic and modern artist's works on display. It has several floors, so be sure to explore everything. It takes about couple hours to explore everything. Sometimes this gallery hosts interesting events and lectures, check their page for that. Also has a nice Caffè for a quick snack and drink and a small book shop.

  • Ingvaras Merkys

    Ingvaras Merkys


    They often have nice exhibitions and the building itself is nice as a piece of modern architecture. But unfortunately it literally smells inside... I can't believe it they didn't fix it in several months.

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