Raketa Social Club i Klaipėda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenRaketa Social Club



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Bangų gatvė, 91250, Klaipėda, Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 605 07337
internet side: www.socialclub.lt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.7080874, Longitude: 21.1411687

kommentar 5

  • Indrė Kasiliauskaitė

    Indrė Kasiliauskaitė


    Nice and cozy. Pleasure to stop by no matter if you are picky for food/serving during lunch break or want to chill out with somebody and enjoy a nice drink, satisfying music and service

  • Jolanta Kaun

    Jolanta Kaun


    Went to this bar for a concert which was a live performance of a cello player. Good selection of drinks, but very little choices for food. Just snacks! Also, it was a bit too hot (for summer time!). I believe, conditioners did not work properly.

  • Paulius Navickas

    Paulius Navickas


    Perfect place, mood, but wirh AC should do something.

  • Gytis Ivanauskas

    Gytis Ivanauskas


    The place by itself is a solid 6/10, drinks are kinda expensive but that's not the problem. The guards at the entrance are one of the most aggressive people I've ever stumbled upon. Communication with them was truly an experience I would not like to repeat. At the end of the night the guards were drunk, absolutely unprofessional. The staff inside are friendly, talkative. Good sound system inside, fit for mass events. My opinion is based on one experience, do not rely on me fully, but I'm just telling you what expect if a concert happens at this Establishment.

  • Raimondas Mažulis

    Raimondas Mažulis


    Not my kind of place for partying, but I had my lunch there several times - I must say that the food is really nice.

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