Republican University Hospital of Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis в Vilnius

ЛитваRepublican University Hospital of Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis



🕗 время открытия

1, Birutės gatvė, 08117, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 5 275 1076
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.6878021, Longitude: 25.2485109

Комментарии 5

  • lt

    Lina Jaruševičienė


    Visiskas personalo abejingumas senam zmogui.

  • lt

    Edita Kerulytė


    5 žvaigždutės iš 5 sesutėms. Labai malonios ir rūpestingos.

  • lt

    Dana Katiniene


    Laba diena labai nusivylem jusu poziuriu i vaika kuris atvyko is Kauno g. siunciamas bet musu neprieme teiravomes paslaugu i privacia klinika.

  • Justinas Mikulskis

    Justinas Mikulskis


    This is probably the most pathetic hospital in Lithuania. I don't even know where to start. Let's start from this: the windows are from WWII, not hermetic at all. There's no proper conditioning system, even despite the fact that this is a must for this kind of institution - where viruses & bacteria live. However, they are still doing it the old way - opening the balcony, when reminded! You could easily get other complications or even flu (yes yes, because you're already lying ill with a strong infection). The men's bathroom doesn't have any toilet paper or towels and it's also where the janitor leaves her dirty/wet rags to dry (can you imagine that?). The whole building's condition is questionable, some parts of the building are even closed off (with a wheelchair :D). The yard is dirty, grass is growing everywhere & knowing the fact they hold people with Lyme disease, it's terrible because you could easily catch a tick in your private yard (Zverynas is the most fancy neighborhood in town and every other yard is perfect, well decorated/clean, only the yard of this government building is terrible). Another thing, at 4AM I was had a fever (over 40 degrees), but there was no button to call a doctor or even a nurse (I couldn't shout or speak as my throat was swollen). For over 20 minutes I was knocking on every door just to find a nurse to tell her the situation that I'm fading away from this reality (I thought I will die, I was even calling 112). However, don't laugh now, I found her after 20 minutes in a deep sleep and she was very angry at me that I woke her up. Amazing, isn't it? I'm wondering if they bribe other government institutions not to shut them down or maybe it's even worse and they are laundering the money and not doing anything? I don't know, you tell me. Yes, I'm naive, believing that people from the government will read this and get as uncomfortable as most people at this hospital. The other shocking fact is the ceiling/walls decor, it's made from toxic plastic and you can only imagine what would happen if there was a fire. When I asked where is the fire extinguisher was, the nurse said she doesn't know and doesn't care. Ok, I could go on & on. So, I'm paying big taxes (same as all you citizens) and getting the worst experience here (unless you're in a nostalgic mood for the USSR). My advice to people who have at least some savings: never go there, go to private clinics, because at this hospital only death and stress awaits you. This is a shame and this shows that the government sector responsible for health care doesn't give a damn about people, they only promote big hospitals such as Santariškių Klinikos or Lazdynų Ligoninė. Thanks for you attention, I hope this place will be shut down or renovated soon. As for now I've left this hospital and went to a private clinic where I'm getting at least x10 better treatment and care as a human being.

  • Luca Gentile

    Luca Gentile


    They speak English and they are friendly, but there is no first aid, it's just for infective diseases.

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