Veggo i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Totorių gatvė, 01121, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Litwa
kontakter telefon: +370 674 45355
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6858903, Longitude: 25.2819899

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jurga Bliss


    The first and by far the only fully vegan store in Lithuania having a wide range of plant based products including dairy substitutes, sweets and much more.

  • Tadas



    Very nice an cozy place. Everyone are very friendly and nice. Smiles everywhere! Best place if you want to find some Vegan goodies or just some unusual products :)

  • Nit And Kiwi

    Nit And Kiwi


    The shop is a God send for vegans in Vilnius. It stocks a lot of vegan junk food and alternative meat and dairy products. The selection is good but the products are not always available. Understandable that it's due to logistics and since they bring it all from wholesellers in Central Europe but it would be good to always stick the fmcg line eg yoghurt and the yummiest pasta sauce/spread. The team is very friendly (mostly) and they speak English (mostly) so you can always ask questions about a specific product that chances are that you will get an honest review from the seller.

  • Skomantas Simkus

    Skomantas Simkus


    Vegan product store with a huge selection if products. Staff is very helpful and friendly.

  • Sam Ramone

    Sam Ramone


    There are three restaurants in this little area and I tried all three while in Vilnius. This is by far the best. The raw falafel was amazing!

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