Black Sheep i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenBlack Sheep



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3, Labdarių gatvė, 01120, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 675 57990
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6849052, Longitude: 25.2801448

kommentar 5

  • ერთი მეოთხედი

    ერთი მეოთხედი


    I had time of my life here. This place was first for me to visit in Vilnius, I met new people and spent quality time with them. Staff was super friendly and handsome :)

  • Max Schwander

    Max Schwander


    To be honest I admit that a lack of clarity may occur... IT‘S ABOUT HANDLING AND SOLVING ISSUES - And you guys just failed! We ordered chuck norris which was 4,50€/each at the menu (on the wall) - we got charged 5,50€/each - a friendly reminder at the barman didn‘t solve the issue... ignoring it doesn‘t solve it, sorry! It is obvious that that guy would rather be on holidays than working in a bar... bad service mentality, me and my company didn‘t feel like spending the night in the right place. We definitely won‘t come back here!

  • en

    Pierfrancesco Gigli


    Really unprofessional! We ordered 2 chack Norris and on the menu the price was 4.5 each ... The waiter charged us 5.5 with no reason! When we asked for clarification he was really unpleasant and rude ! Didn't even propose for a reasonable resolution !

  • en

    Daniel V


    Nice variety of cocktails, not usually packed, have some snacks and dishes. Also can make cocktail by your recipy.

  • Mantas Marma

    Mantas Marma


    Very good cocktails, friendly staff and good prices for this location

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