Mojo Lounge Vilnius i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenMojo Lounge Vilnius



🕗 åbningstider

2, Vokiečių gatvė, 01130, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 657 66500
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Latitude: 54.677797, Longitude: 25.286202

kommentar 5

  • Anton Borisov

    Anton Borisov


    Really strange place. The security is rude. Alcohol was diluted. I do not recommend this club for visiting.

  • Maciej Lewandowski

    Maciej Lewandowski


    Better ommit this place.

  • Kaupo Lepasepp

    Kaupo Lepasepp


    Nice club. Clean and safe. Very popular among very young people. Music also for their tastes. Cool nightclub. I am not too much into these, but for me it was ok. A true fan may love.

  • Enrico Matano

    Enrico Matano


    Very nice disco with a great smoking area. Frequentation was ok for a 30 y old guy

  • en

    Sarah H


    A group of 7 Londoners celebrating a friends 30th birthday in Vilnius. We came to Mojo as our second night club at 3 am. We had champagne and danced until 5 am when they shot. The music was great for dancing, the club wasn't too busy so there was enough space to dance. It was air-conditioned with free cloakroom and staff were nice and polite. All in all worked great for us!

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