Oldtaunas i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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14, Rūdninkų gatvė, 01135, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 699 78811
internet side: www.oldtown.lt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.67643, Longitude: 25.284621

kommentar 5

  • Dominykas Elijošaitis

    Dominykas Elijošaitis


    For sure the best strip club in Vilnius! We already checked another same type of clubs and this is definitely the best! Firstly, price - they offer the cheapest prices in town. We payed for the entrance 20 EUR and got amazing night. Secondly, quality of everything - absolutely the most beautiful girls dancing in this club, communication with us during this visit was perfect. Thank you for the night! We are planning our next visit, see you soon!

  • Maxime LE BRETON

    Maxime LE BRETON


    50€ to get in. I was told at the entrance that I’ll get a private show. I got nothing, just the right to sit down and pay 20€ to get a drink. Rip off, stay away.

  • Ciod Li

    Ciod Li


    Was there 2years ago, entrence fee was 20 eur, 8 girls dancing and goes nude!! Super good looking girls and professional dancing. Lap dance was too expensive for me but i will go back when i can afford it! Recommend!

  • en

    Justas Klimavičius


    Good place if you want female company and great experiences. The girls are really friendly, outgoing and sexy as hell. Eye catching performances all night long. The club is nice and cozy so you feel relaxed and can enjoy the show. All in all an interesting and pleasant experience.

  • karolis marcinkevicius

    karolis marcinkevicius


    Reliable and crazy place (. )( .)

nærmeste Natklub

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