Bernardine Park i Vilnius

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenBernardine Park



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8A, B. Radvilaitės gatvė, 01143, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 5 261 1037
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.684397, Longitude: 25.295447

kommentar 5

  • en

    Manj Dhaliwal


    Very nice park for family day out. Nice scenery to take pictures. Play grounds were a little overcrowded. Musical water fountain is amazing. It’s a must see if you visiting Park. I would recommend this park for family day out.

  • BeautifulYouTVRUS



    Beautiful and picturesque park near Vilnius Cathedral! It is a great place to enjoy a walk alone or spend the day with the family. The park has a few ponds, multiple fountains, playgrounds for kids etc! It also suits for a wedding or photoshoot!

  • Laurynas Jankevičius

    Laurynas Jankevičius


    Great place for a family stroll. No smoking allowed. Be aware- lots of families with kids, so might get a little loud on a sunny day.

  • Danielius Bolotinas

    Danielius Bolotinas


    Perfect for family weekend, wedding or other occasion photoshoots and just for general relaxation. There is pretty big playground for kids with swings, sandbox and other attractions. You can find small chess board to play or a big one to be a chess figure. Couple of fountains, and a big one in the middle with a music.

  • Aliaksei Sviryda

    Aliaksei Sviryda


    Amazing park! In the summer there are a lot of people here. You can sit on the grass and enjoy the sound of river. This is so exciting!

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