Trasalis Aquapark i Trakai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LitauenTrasalis Aquapark



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26, Gedimino gatvė, 21110, Trakai, Trakų rajono savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
kontakter telefon: +370 656 38850
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6214759, Longitude: 24.9354709

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mindaugas Pečiulis


    It could be renovated. You can see bad looking floor, roof, attractions. Still sauna area is quite good.

  • Andy Hernandez

    Andy Hernandez


    Great place to relax, except the cafe food is not good

  • Dalia Gv

    Dalia Gv


    I think I'll not come back. Aqua park stinks chlorine. Bowling has very old balls. In bowling you can order food. Backed bred is really delicious, salmon roast was already bad. . Maybe no one order in one week and I was the first one. Pork roast was ok. Portion's size and style like in canteen. Milkshake didn't surprise with its taste. Deserts are ok. They have several pool and billiard tables these are ok. But when is crowded is missing long sticks.

  • Gvidas Kirvelis

    Gvidas Kirvelis


    Needs renewing. But with potencial.

  • EnderGamer Girl

    EnderGamer Girl


    It was quite great, but I wish some things would have been different, for example the ice cream was quite expensive (80¢ for 1 small scoop), and when u go on the slides u get stuck because there isn't enough water there, so u have to really push yourself to slide faster and there are only 3 slides, basically the water park is a bit small so there isn't much to do there, but otherwise it was really fun.

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