Congress в Vilnius



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2, Vilniaus gatvė, 01102, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 5 269 1919
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.690552, Longitude: 25.280428

Комментарии 5

  • Dirk Legler

    Dirk Legler


    Really nice hotel in a central location. Parking spots are limited and not cheap in central Vilnius, though. Cocktail selection in the hotel bar could be extended.

  • Emory Rockwell

    Emory Rockwell


    The rooms are wonderful, the breakfast is great, and the hotel staff goes above and beyond. It is a great location. If you’re ever in Vilnius staying here is a MUST!!

  • Gregory May

    Gregory May


    Nice sized room with excellent service

  • Christopher Barrett

    Christopher Barrett


    We had a lovely stay here for two nights. Our room was a "superior double", which included a separate lounge/seating area to the bedroom (a television in both rooms), and a bathroom, including a shower attachment over the bath. The room was very nicely presented and, while the decor was a little worn, the overall effect was still suitably comfortable and slightly luxurious - perfect for a leisurely break in the city. There was a small balcony to our room, but the road it faced onto is one of the busier, noisier roads in Vilnius, so it's probably only of use to people who want to smoke. Complimentary juice, bottled water, tea and coffee was provided, along with powder creamer - but if you're likely to be desperate for a "proper" cup of tea, you may want to take a teabag with you (the first day's offering was fruit tea). The only other slight oddity about the room was the shower/bath; there is no curtain or screen - the room was fully tiled, so there wasn't any need to worry about spraying water everywhere (but it still seemed a little strange!). Breakfast provided in the morning was really very good, and the service overall was efficient. We'd certainly stay again.

  • Christopher Barrett

    Christopher Barrett


    We had a lovely stay here for two nights. Our room was a "superior double", which included a separate lounge/seating area to the bedroom (a television in both rooms), and a bathroom, including a shower attachment over the bath. The room was very nicely presented and, while the decor was a little worn, the overall effect was still suitably comfortable and slightly luxurious - perfect for a leisurely break in the city. There was a small balcony to our room, but the road it faced onto is one of the busier, noisier roads in Vilnius, so it's probably only of use to people who want to smoke. Complimentary juice, bottled water, tea and coffee was provided, along with powder creamer - but if you're likely to be desperate for a "proper" cup of tea, you may want to take a teabag with you (the first day's offering was fruit tea). The only other slight oddity about the room was the shower/bath; there is no curtain or screen - the room was fully tiled, so there wasn't any need to worry about spraying water everywhere (but it still seemed a little strange!). Breakfast provided in the morning was really very good, and the service overall was efficient. We'd certainly stay again.

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