Hotel Tilto в Vilnius

ЛитваHotel Tilto


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8, Tilto gatvė, 01101, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lituania
контакты телефон: +370 5 210 0021
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.6873909, Longitude: 25.284076

Комментарии 5

  • Lewis Foster

    Lewis Foster


    So spent three nights here recently and feel i have a good idea about the services offered. The hotel staff were friendly and the hotel it generally clean and tidy which in my mind make some goo basics for staying anywhere. The room i was in was a two upstairs in the loft area and two on the main floor with a toilet/shower room. There was enough space although head height upstairs was not great but as long as your either lied or sat on the bed you'd be fine. The bathroom was very clean if a little bit worn. for example bottom of the door frame was noticeably water danged and the shower had a curtain replacing part of the glass door strap tied on albeit it very tidy which is why i only noticed on the last morning. There are the free toiletries and complimentary water which is nice as well as a small fridge and safe provided. the card keys did lose their programming though which can be fixed easily at reception but was slightly annoying. these past few comments are little niggles as the price for the hotel and proximity to the centre of town are fantastic. only one more niggle was the breakfast, there was plenty of choice including cooked breakfast which is nice to have. but the staff were quite slow in replacing smaller pitchers of orange juice or even things such as knives. and they apparently ran out of coffee which i found it hard to believe. a bit of a shame but did not spoil things overall. so for me there is plenty to make it a good 4 out of five stars mainly the price and location and decent room cleaning service and overall quality for the price which some people forget when they expect the world for nothing. if your spending a long weekend or couple of nights in Vilnius this would suit your needs well if budget is something you have in mind but still don't want to sacrifice any of the comfortable basics and want a decent nights kip!

  • en

    Vesa Niskakangas


    Really clean and comfortable hotel. The hotel is in a great location. The breakfast is good and varied. The staff is friendly. The good hotel room, spacious bathroom. I recommend!

  • Daniel Gutiérrez

    Daniel Gutiérrez


    Trato del personal excelente, buscaron información para nosotros sobre buses y trenes y nos lo imprimieron para que lo tuviéramos encima. El desayuno incluido esta de lujo y la habitacion muy limpia y cómoda. Volvería sin duda

  • es

    Jose matiad E


    Hotel correcto, personal amable, buena ubicación, buen desayuno

  • José Gabriel Consuegra Fernández de Capel

    José Gabriel Consuegra Fernández de Capel


    Muy atentos y serviciales, con un precio muy comedido.

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