Ertlio Namas в Vilnius

ЛитваErtlio Namas



🕗 время открытия

7, Šv. Jono gatvė, 01123, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 637 33300
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.6819324, Longitude: 25.2876113

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Edgaras Kuodys


    Inviting atmosphere, very helpfull and smart stuff. Everyone talks english! Great food! Be aware that this restaurant serves Lithuanian food from 18th-19th century. So no cepelinai and potatoes. But if you want to try tasty food and Lithuanian wines, it is great place to meet.

  • Benoni Edin

    Benoni Edin


    A must when in Vilnius! Extraordinary, sophisticated food based on local produce, served in a pleasant, friendly way. And most reasonably priced.

  • en

    Pablo Paternain Soler


    Excellent food! We especially enjoyed the starter and the main with veal, dessert could've been a bit more tasty, but we enjoyed the stories that came along with every dish. Totally recommended, great value for money. 80 for 2 people, 1 with wine pairing

  • Sebastian Carelli

    Sebastian Carelli


    My wife and I had an amazing experience at this five star restaurant yesterday. For about three hours, we were guided through the Lithuanian gastronomic heritage and all six courses were truly fantastic. Intersting stories, tasty dishes and lovely ambiance. Also would like to mention our waiter Arnas, who left us very impressed with his knowledge and professionalism. Thank you for an unforgettable evening!

  • Did W

    Did W


    Nice concept. In between rating between 3 and 4 stars. Food overall was well accomplished and we liked the historical context of each dish (well explained by our server). Cold starter tasted good, lamb broth had bags of flavour and the lamb itself was tender. Duck was tasty and the sauce delicious (however the green foam was flavourless and the "lasagne" slice overcooked and added nothing to the dish). Dessert was good, wowed visually but not in taste alas. Most frustratingly was the wait in between courses (almost half an hour between the starter and soup) with no awareness from the staff that the wait was that long. Our 4 course sitting took an inexplicable 2 and an half hours. With a few adjustments this would be a great dining experience

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