Amberton Cathedral Square Hotel Vilnius в Vilnius

ЛитваAmberton Cathedral Square Hotel Vilnius



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
1, L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus gatvė, 01122, Vilnius, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, LT Lithuania
контакты телефон: +370 5 210 7461
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.6850565, Longitude: 25.2849616

Комментарии 5

  • Max Dennison

    Max Dennison


    Really disappointed with this hotel. I am here for a week's business and have been getting back to my room late every night. Tried to order room service at 21:55 and was told that the kitchen was closed (room service stops at 22:00 - i.e. last orders taken at 22:00, not the chef leaves the hotel at 22:00). When I asked if they could please, please make me a sandwich, it was a decisive - 'No!' Just got in tonight and went straight to the restaurant to order before the deadline and asked for room service - a steak sandwich to be sent up to my room (10Euro just for the privilage I might add) and 25 minutes later I'm on the phone to the restaurant to ask where my sandwich is?? The man in the restaurant I spoke to simply said "It's meat. They're cooking it!" What he 'should' have said was "I do apologise Sir. Let me go and find out what's happening." 5 minutes later, it arrives and is stone cold. In other words, it's been sat on a shelf for the last 15 minutes. I mean - come on!!! You don't answer back to your guests like that. Come on Amberton - if you want to be remembered by your guests in the hope that they'll return or recommend you, then this is absolutely not the way to do it. If a guest wants a sandwich at 22:00, or even 22:05, then you make it and you make them remember you in a good light. As you have left me with such a sour experience (and believe me - this IS all about experience), I'll be asking to stay elsewhere next time I'm in Vilnius. Very disappointing.

  • Martina Halas

    Martina Halas


    Good service, but meal portions are too little

  • Marcin



    All OK, nice rooms and service.

  • en

    Osvaldas Varnas


    Hotel is located in front of Cathedral square - good access to Lower Castle, Gediminas tower, semi-pedestrial Gediminas street and Vilnius Old Town, President's Palace and old Vilnius University buildings. Spacious lobby, nice view from restaurant window. Good breakfast selection. Rooms are clean, friendly staff. Decent rates for rooms.

  • Gabriel A

    Gabriel A


    This hotel is in the centre of Vilnius, walkable distance to pretty much everything if the weather is not raining heavily. The rooms are cozy with relaxed sphere. The staff friendly and helped a lot with information.

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